We have a range of services available to meet your needs.
Want to see a doctor?
Make an appointment today! We have an on-staff physician available to see you in person or virtually. Check to see if our physician services are right for you.
Want to take care of yourself?
Take advantage of our instant testing services and take charge of your health. Our staff is ready to assist you with our various tests and screening services.
Want to get vaccinated?
We have many vaccines readily available in stock for your convenience!
If you are concerned about:
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Thyroid problems
Lisa Kim Medical Associates may be just the place for you.
Click on the icons above to learn more about the services provided by our office. Or, if you're ready to schedule an appointment now, call our office at (847) 296-1200.
We are now accepting Blue Cross Blue Shield Choice PPO Plans!
To avoid longer wait times:
Please update uswith any new personal infomation including recent life events, new insurance cards, address changes, and new phone numbers. Email us directly at lisakimreceptionist@gmail.com or complete this online form.
Check outThings To Remember for other important reminders before you come in for your appointment. We ask that you bring your insurance card to every visit. Thank you for your cooperation.