Dr. Lisa Kim, MD, is a a Primary Care Provider (PCP) who specializes in internal medicine. As a PCP, Dr. Kim is the doctor that you will see first if you feel sick or need a checkup. She provides close, personal treatment to get you the care you need.
While most illnesses can be treated and resolved by Dr. Kim, some cases require treatment from a specialist with experience treating that condition. If your case requires specialist care, you will be provided a referral to an experienced specialist. As your PCP, Dr. Kim will connect you with the right specialist, making sure you get personalized care every step of the way.
Dr. Lisa Kim has over 20 years of experience in internal medicine and is highly recognized by the network of doctors she has worked with over her career. She has worked closely with physicians in a variety of specialties, so you can rest assured your referral will be the best fit for you. Dr. Kim's network of specialists includes practitioners in a wide variety of specialties, including a few listed below: